What We’ve Been Up To…

Hey there, friends! So it’s been over a month since our last blog post. Please forgive us…there has been a LOT going on! Here’s a little summary of all that’s happened in the past month…

We spent some time with my sister, her mom & my nieces.

We traveled to North Carolina for the fourth of July. We spent time with family, enjoyed the scenery & went to lots of antique stores.

We celebrated a good friend’s 25th birthday.

We photographed some beautiful ladies.

We photographed three lovely weddings. {More photos still to come.}

And we celebrated my favorite person {in the whole world}’s 27th birthday.

{And I have absolutely no photos of him. But we’re fixing that this weekend!}

We’re also working on two very big projects…and I’m DYING to blurt all about them right now, but I think Thomas might strangle me if I do.

So please be patient, and please stay tuned. I promise, we’ll be bringing you some big stuff soon. 😉


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  • maggieJuly 28, 2010 - 10:22 pm

    love them all!ReplyCancel

  • PrisAugust 20, 2010 - 10:02 pm

    I just love you two plus the two black and white. Did you know Sarah your dad and I had a black cocker and white poodle and everyone thought that was the best looking pair (the dogs). I can’t find the picture of the dress that made the top 10….I loved it and wanted to show it to John and Patti ( their family will be here this week) How do I get to it. I have even started watching Project Runway getting ready for your friend to be on it. LoveReplyCancel

    • SarahAugust 30, 2010 - 8:06 pm

      Hey Miss Pris! I am so glad you like the pictures. 🙂 I hope Lynsey does make it onto Project Runway. I don’t even know if she’s thought about trying out lately! She goes to New York in November to show her dress for the Brides Magazine competition, though. You can view her dress at http://www.operationdreamdress.com/lynsey-bullock ~ We’re hoping that hers makes the cover of the magazine! {I can’t wait to tell her what you said!} 🙂ReplyCancel

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