Happy. That is the word I would use to describe the Abell family. They were a complete joy to work with, especially the two little ones. Both children were all smiles throughout the session, and it was so much fun to watch this little guy react to his big sister. (Boy! Does he think she’s fabulous!) Kaitlyn would run or jump, and Parker would react with sounds of pure glee! I think we should all take a little lesson from these two kids. Just photographing them made me want to go run, spin, jump and play! Jennifer and Ray, thank you so much for sharing your family with us. It was wonderful to meet you, and it was great to be reminded that taking the time to “just play” is super important! (Please thank Parker and Kaitlyn for us too!)
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what a precious family! and that little girl- I LOVE her hair!! i love the picture of kaitlyn putting her hands on Parker’s face! awesome job sarah and thomas!!!
Thanks Lauren. They were absolutely adorable! When the kids have fun, it makes taking their pictures much easier, and it makes the pictures so much better. We loved it!