Tag Archives: Photoshop Tips

“This Is How We Do It” | Alabama Wedding Photographer | T2 Photography

Drum roll please! 🙂 I’ve been wanting to write a post to answer some of our FAQ’s and shine a little light on how we do things behind the scenes here so here goes! I plan on making this a series of sorts, to share our editing tricks and shooting techniques so I wanted to start by telling you a little about our style. All of our editing is done in Photoshop and Lightroom with 90% of edits done in Lightroom.

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  • Shayne TempletDecember 12, 2009 - 2:27 pm

    Great stuff here T2. I think bumping the ISO gives your photographs a distinct look. It’s almost like you guy’s have found a way to brand yourselves. This is some great info here! Keep them coming.

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