Attitude is Everything | Making Things Happen 2010

Ok, this is my attempt at a video blog and It will be a miracle if I can get this posted and everything to work! šŸ™‚ We were encouraged to put ourselves out there and what better way to do it than to put it in video?? We canā€™t hide behind pretty words or pictures. We sure hope that if you do love us for our pretty words and pictures that these videos are too much of a let down! I promise I will get better at this and will probably embarrass myself a whole lot more but weā€™ll have fun in the process!

I canā€™t say enough about Lara Casey and Jeff Holt and what they are doing with their Making Things Happen tour.Ā  Iā€™m sure weā€™ll talk more about our experience on a later post. If you get the opportunity to attend, just do it.Ā  Be ready to be honest with yourself and put it all out there.Ā  Lara and Jeff are incredible motivators and will push you to get after it, but in the end, it all comes down to you and your attitude.Ā  There will always be set backs and there will always be hurdles to jump, but you canā€™t let them get you down or let your fear get in the way. If you donā€™t risk anything, you wonā€™t have much to gain.Ā  Focus on your dreams, however big or small they are, and just make it happen.Ā Ā  They can light that fire but itā€™s up to you to stay motivated and roll with the punches.Ā  Your attitude will make or break you.Ā  Itā€™s that simple.Ā  All the planning and goal setting will mean nothing if you have a bad attitude about the journey.Ā Ā  You will need others help in order to succeed and if you arenā€™t excited about it, why should they be?Ā  Get fired up, get to work and separate yourself from the slackers.

This is a new beginning for us and weā€™re about to blow your socks off. šŸ™‚ Hang on!
PS..Iā€™m sorry for the awkward pauses and clipped videoā€¦Iā€™ll get better but you can deal this time!Ā  Iā€™m proud of this one!

P.P.S. Meet Goose! šŸ™‚Ā  Heā€™s my biggest fan so had let him join in the excitement.Ā  He didnā€™t seem to mind the camera near as much though!
(He got clippedā€¦sorry Goose!)


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  • Lauren ChitwoodFebruary 12, 2010 - 6:51 pm

    Great Post- you hit the nail on the head with the idea of have the right attitude! Have a wonderful weekend : )ReplyCancel

  • SusanFebruary 16, 2010 - 11:20 pm

    Way to go Thomasā€¦..yes I watched all 9 minutes and 15 seconds!!!! Keep it up guysā€¦.i am so proud of you both!ReplyCancel

  • Ryan & Ashley SwartzMay 11, 2010 - 8:00 pm


    We just watched this video! Thank you sooo much! You guys are awesome! We laughed when you said you were a thinker and a planner, and not so much a doer, we are the same way. I think itā€™s time for us to step out of the box and start ā€œdoingā€ too! You guys are great motivators!

    Thank you!ReplyCancel

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